Scott Shumate
Scott Shumate
bossac -h About button in bossa
Post the output of a debug run of bossac: > bossac.exe -d -i -p COM4 Set binary mode version()=v1.1 [Arduino:XYZ] Mar 13 2018 19:12:33 Connected at 921600 baud readWord(addr=0)=0x2000d6a0 readWord(addr=0xe000ed00)=0x410fc241...
The Mac installer for 1.9.1 release will put them in /usr/local/bin.
bossa does not support the bank switching NVM BKSWRST command
I'm fine with requiring that it be explicitly specified for non-ROM bootloaders like the SAMD's.
Using sleep to control program flow is almost always a bad idea and leads to brittle and difficult to maintain code. How were the sleep times determined and proven to...
Looks fine except I don't think the timer is useful for such a fast operation.
I released binaries for Mac and Windows for 1.9.1. However, my code signing certificate expired so I cannot sign them. Windows will most likely show a warning when installing the...
I use msys2 with mingw32 7.3.0 to build the releases. I configure wxWidgets with: configure --disable-shared --enable-unicode --with-zlib=builtin --disable-debug
I need to rework the error reporting out of the open() methods in the SerialPort classes so as not to expose higher level code to its implementation. I'm thinking either...