Shubham Gaur
Shubham Gaur
Linear search algorithim code, written in C, it compares each elemtent of the array with given value starting from 0 inex, prints the value of the index at which the...
a game made using java, rock paper scissors, simply uses the concept of generating random numbers and using them as outputs from computer.
this algortihim linearly searches every element of an given sorted array, this being useful for small array sizes.
updated the withdrawl section of code, this feature works if the withdrawl is larger than the balance, this would imporve the code and prompts user to enter the correct value....
changed the code of fibonacci sequence in java, without using recursion. ## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable) - [x] 🚀 Added Name - [ /] ✨...
Made three changes: 1. ARM64 now defaults to hard reboot on kernel panic. 2. `reboot_default` flag is now a boolean for better clarity. 3. comment changed to skip DMI Checking,...