
Results 7 comments of shuangw1

This week’s readings again refer to some of the critical ideas in geography, such as place and space, and the notion of place-making based on human behaviors, emotions and experience....

Winner’s paper (1986) discussed a central concept here is that “technical things have political qualities”. The author used several examples to illustrate this idea: the bridge and roads example in...

Shuang Wu Zhao and Huang's paper (2020) discussed a quintessential concept in human geography which is "place". And they studied a new place, which is not physical but a decrypted...

I really like this week’s readings because it synthesizes a lot of the topics that are highly relevant to my study area in urban planning. I will first begin with...

The first reading leads us to revisit the idea of “post-phenomenology”. Lea (2020) stated what makes “post-phenomenology” distinctive is that “it rejects the analytical centrality of human experience” and it...

Kent (2018) mentioned an interesting phenomenon that happened recently which is the rise of the user-cartographer. As we can see from this pandemic, there were a lot of nonprofessionals, or...

Kwan's paper (2012) discusses the uncertain geographic context problem (UGCoP). They started by talking about interlinkages and gaps between health studies and geography where they pointed out that public health...