Shriram Krishnamurthi

Results 85 issues of Shriram Krishnamurthi

It appears that columns always have a `c` directive, which requires manual editing after the table has been translated — which has to then be remembered and done afresh each...

Given that sheets has a nice UI for creating borders ![image]( it'd be nice if those borders could, at least in basic cases, be translated into the generated table. I...

Listing two more sources of potential confusion when working with international data.

``` #lang racket (define (gen n) (if (> n 0) (cons n (gen (sub1 n))) empty)) (define ls (gen 10000)) (time (length ls)) ``` This program runs fine in DrRacket....

tiny task

Sometimes a computation has a long-running sub-computation. For instance, when doing physical simulations, there can be a sequence of complicated computations. However, if the computation runs for the while, the...

`(+ 1 "foo")` produces `"1foo"`. WTF?!? Also note that `(sqrt -1)` produces `NaN`. This is more "Script" than "Racket".

`(call/cc 3)` produces ``` Console Log: [error] TypeError: M0.call_by_cc is not a function at eval ( at ( blah ``` This isn't Racket.

I can understand that continuations don't work, but even this program ``` (+ 1 (call/ec (lambda (k) (k 2)))) ``` doesn't work ("TypeError: M0.call_by_ec is not a function").

I find that when running a tight non-tail loop, the stack exhausts in around 12,000 frames on my desktop browser, which is just a second or two of execution time....

``` #lang racket (define (odd? n) (if (zero? n) false (even? (sub1 n)))) (define (even? n) (if (zero? n) true (odd? (sub1 n)))) (odd? 100001) ``` produces a stack depth...