Shreesh Arora
Shreesh Arora
Admin can only add rooms in order from the hotel for the which order is placed and cannot add rooms from multiple hotels in a single order.
Updated dataForFrontSearch function call. Now dataForFrontSearch function will use params as argument.
Removoved unused qlo_mod_list.xml from `/config/xml/`
Rooms left count issue on cart update on room type detail page has been resolved.
In QloApps multiple addresses is not required. Now customers can only add a single address now
Updated language pack resources download location. Now language pack will be download from instead of prestahop server.
Update image generation method for hotel and default modules in QloApps. - Hotel images are now generated in multiple size for use at different pages. - Default module images are...
Removed unused order statuses and simplified order status process. updated default module according to updated order statuses.
Added gitignore file for QloApps
Resolved address issue on contact page Address was not displayed on hotel list and map was also not visible.