shravan || श्रvan
shravan || श्रvan
> @shravan20 Thank you so much! This could actually be quite a nice feature! Do you feel like working on a PR? That'd be awesome :) I would like to...
Can I pick this issue up?
Hi, I would like to pick this feature for build.
What's the outcome of the whole project?
I am interested to collaborator along. Feel free to connect [email protected]
> Why not pure markdown quote ? Final output will be markdown based. But hosted app will be a Node.js
Repo Link: Project Link:
> For everything related to high-tech and maybe more, the [awesome learning resources]( list and the [awesome]( project in general are the best FLOSS knowledge management resources available out there....
> A GitHub repository to store the resources would be a good option? I believe it's the best solution for Resource Management System