
Results 6 issues of shinhong_park

Similar to #424. **Environment/version** - Extension version: 13.2.2 - VSCode version: code-server 3.12.0 - OS version: macOS 12.0.1 **Steps to reproduce** 1. Create a bookmark at the end of the...


Please add an option to screenshot at high dpi. I found that adding `--force-device-scale-factor=3` argument creates 3x high-res images. ``` command = [ f'{self.executable}', '--headless', f'--screenshot={os.path.join(output_path, output_file)}', f'--force-device-scale-factor=3', f'--window-size={size[0]},{size[1]}', *self.flags,...

### Is there an existing issue for this? - [X] I have searched the existing issues ### OS/Web Information - Web Browser: Safari - Local OS: iPadOS - Remote OS:...


First up, thanks for the great extension. I've been using it all day. From time to time, however, I'm seeing this kind of weird behavior where the tab groups seem...


I'm currently using the `aws-actions/amazon-ecr-login` GitHub action to login into ECR, and then using the `appleboy/ssh-action@master` to SSH into a remote machine and run Docker compose. During the process, I...

Hello, These days I've been experiencing some issues where Jitouch would not launch on start up in my new m1 macbook. I had to manually run the app via terminal...