
Results 42 issues of shouldsee

#957 为系统地提高代码可读性和项目可持续性,建议引入sphinx文档系统 - 文档完善: - 加了个fork( 尝试写sphinx文档中: 1. [x] 分词[doc]( 2. [ ] 添加自定义词典 [doc]( 3. [ ] 关键词提取 4. [ ] 词性标注 5. [ ] 并行分词 6. [...

@cycleuser 不好意思上传得有一点晚,麻烦你手动合并一下11章的两个文件吧。有几个名词的翻译还是有点tricky的。discrete distribution其实应写作categorical distribution,因而译成了范畴分布。多努利更是十分奇葩。表格应该直接用。



Chap21: * 将配图的占位\label加回去 * 调整公式编号 其它: * 测试Rmarkdown rticles::ctex对现有md的鲁棒性。

I will be adapting code to plot reads from bam files directly. At my [fork](

I would like to extract the centre of bed intervals by hijacking bedtools slop. A genome size file is unnecessary here since there is no way that an interval would...

Thanks for making this great library! What's the maintainence status though? Is any fork getting updated at all?

hi thanks for sharing.visdom connection sometimes may not run on 8097 and on localhost, thus maybe parametrisatable init would be desirable? _viz = visdom.Visdom()