Hello. I am having doubts when using DbContextFactory. Is there any difference between CreateDbContext() and new DbContext()? Is there any difference between using DbContextFactory and using(=new DbContext())? Thank you, can...
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: 系统找不到指定的文件。 (异常来自 HRESULT:0x80070002) 在 EnvDTE80.Solution2.GetProjectTemplate(String TemplateName, String Language) 在 EgorBo.GradleBindings_VisualStudio.GradleBindings_VisualStudioPackage.CreateProjectAndAddReferenceToIt(VSProject sourceProject, Solution2 solution, String newProjectTemplate, String newProjectName, String newProjectDirectory) 在 EgorBo.GradleBindings_VisualStudio.GradleBindings_VisualStudioPackage.CreateBindingProject(VSProject sourceProject, Solution2 solution, String bindingProjectName, IEnumerable`1 aarFiles, IEnumerable`1...
### Bug description / Bug 描述 商店应用全部保存状态失败 系统:Windows11 ### Reproduce steps / 复现问题的步骤 ```plain text 1、打勾指定应用 2、点击保存 3、提示保存状态失效 ``` ### Expected behavior / 预期行为 应用有效 ### Screenshot / 截图 _No...
原作者已更新Clipper2Lib private static List Unclip(List box, float unclip_ratio) { RotatedRect clipRect = CvInvoke.MinAreaRect(box.ToArray()); if (clipRect.Size.Height < 1.001 && clipRect.Size.Width < 1.001) { return null; } Path64 theCliperPts = new Path64();...
IpHlpApi.GetAdaptersAddresses(Vanara.PInvoke.IpHlpApi.GetAdaptersAddressesFlags.GAA_FLAG_INCLUDE_ALL_INTERFACES); The gateway list is always zero when iterating over the results os: windows11 23H2 Thanks for the help