Swetank Mohanty
Swetank Mohanty
This is the environment used: Spring Boot 2.4.6 Maven 3.8.6 Java SDK 1.8 Library version: 0.2.13 @oyvindhorneland @lukashinsch Please help in rectifying the issue or atleast where I am going...
Any intentions on developing that for Spring Boot 2.x.x? @lukashinsch
@sevdokimov Would need help in fixing this.
@Decimation @eliassa @mattcargile I have been facing the same issue in my configuration after I upgraded Oh-My-Posh and Terminal-Icons recently. Icons for a directory on the prompt don't appear correctly....
@Decimation Looks like some font icon names have got changed or likewise. The developer of this module can only comment on the same. I am seeing this icon issue recently...
Got it resolved. Please head to `JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh` 's [#4129](https://github.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/issues/4129)
> I don't know if this will be useful to anyone but modifying the URL (replace "shows" with "tv") works, no need for a extractor update. Worked for me as...