I have tried to add some mock data for the complex-resource example, which has its structure as, ``` var order = { custom: { id: String, name: String }, orderItems:...
Hi, I am trying to query and filter the data points in following data structure, by using node-odata, ``` { name: abc data: [{x:1, y:10}, {x:2, y:20}, {x:3, y:30}] }...
Hi, is it possible to customise the EntityContainer? For example, ``` ``` I would like to add the dataValue to be a EntitySet, like `` Would this be possible in...
Hi @object, I have the data structure as following, ``` ``` The main problem is that when I am trying to query and filter the dataValue, for example, `GET MongoDataService.svc/scatterless('id')/dataValue?$filter=x...