There are two special conditions “Total quantity of all products” and “Total quantity of distinct products” for which it is possible to create sub-conditions. These sub-conditions are saved as children....
Description: When creating a new customer with only defaultBillingAddress and defaultShippingAddress three addresses are being created. It creates the shipping address as billing address. Is it possible to avoid this?...
### 1. Why is this change necessary? Same bug, other attempt. See also: > Chained data using "fields" Criteria Api, seems to be a "correct" Entity (Though with partial...
For some reason, the plugins given by DBAL Plugin Loader and Composer PluginLoader can differ, and therefore, both use different cache hashes. So a {{cache:clear}} in the CLI has no...
Step to reproduce: * Generate variants with a few properties * Remove all those variants * Generate variants with a few properties that are not the same as the old...
With the Migration to 6.6 we regenerate all media paths to prevent issues with thumbnail data, but this leads to the paths potentially being overwritten in case that the file...
Reproduce ``` # bin/console plugin:create DummyPlugin DummyPlugin # bin/console plugin:refresh # bin/console plugin:install --activate DummyPlugin # open: custom/plugins/DummyPlugin/src/Resources/config/config.xml # config.xml replace by below config # bin/console plugin:update DummyPlugin # navigate...
Description: In Shopware instances, version 6.6.X.X, the placeholder image blocks like "Three columns, boxed" and "Three columns, full sized" can be added to the shopping experience, but they are not...
Description: When generating invoice documents via the bulk edit, the invoice address is sometimes not output in the document. We have now found out that this only happens if there...
I have discovered a problem with your plugin that affects the display during checkout. When customized products are added, they are not displayed correctly. The display differs from the standard,...