If a rule is set in the Rule Builder with the condition: "Order with tag is one of ' '", the value in the preview shows "false," even though a...
Used Shopware Version: Description: If I want to set a layout as a general layout from the shopping experience, no assignment takes place. If I go to the categories...
**Description: ** SW / Commercial Version: 6.4.0 Shopping list is not compatible with Mozilla Firefox **Steps to reproduce: ** - Create a Shopping list - Try to open the...
When Open Search is enabled for the admin search, results for queries like 320.000 orders are displayed quickly. However, when you click on the "Show all search results in orders"...
Create a crossselling / product slider and manually add some products so that the slider arrows appear. Swipe to the right/left and see how laggy it behaves: 1. blinking images...
### 1. Why is this change necessary? It looks silly on German pages. Why do we even need time, when label says date. ### 2. What does this change do,...
I have created an order through a storefront customer account using Pounds as currency. When I switch back the currency to e.g. Euro, the currency of all previous orders is...
Potentially, there is a reason for the README being almost blank. But if not, I'd suggest we start giving some more context to the open source community. --- Imported from...
### 1. Why is this change necessary? The file `address-actions.html.twig` is not located at `Resources/views/storefront/component/address`, it's next to the other addressbook files (in `Resources/views/storefront/page/account/addressbook`). This causes a twig exception. >...
Used Shopware Version: DE: Wird innerhalb eines Zusatzfeldes (Typ "Textfeld") eine (interne / externe) Artikelnummer mit folgendem Schema hinterlegt `12345-12`, so führt die Suche nach dieser konkreten Produktnummer dazu,...