> **Arkshine** > An admin is free to do what he wants with his own server. You have nothing to say in this matter and it's irrelevant to Valve. Please...
> **WildCard65** > Valve did there best at blocking slowhacking, AlliedModders forums are also > doing their best to unapprove/trash any plugin involving slowhacking as > well as not providing...
> **WildCard65** > AlliedModders do care, they are trying 100% their best to STOP all > workarounds from getting passed around on the forums. If they truly cared, server redirects...
> **WildCard65** > Do not blame the alliedmodders community for other people's doing. They do > care because they are doing 100% their best to make sure NO ONE spreads...
> **WildCard65** > Do you even have the filter cvar set to 1? Also... they are not > intentional, the moderators do know work arounds exist but they are 100%...
> **Freeman-AM** > It's only valve fault if people can use cd commands to open your CD. A vanilla GoldSrc server without mods of any kind, has no ability to...
> **WildCard65** > Dude, you do realize your are indeed just flaming AMXX, and stop blaming AMXX for their client command native. You can't tell me what I can and...
> **WildCard65** > Dude, AMXX can't fix it without removing the entire usage of clientcommand, > which will break plugins that call client commands that Valve wish to be >...
> **WildCard65** > Only problem, AMXX is OPENSOURCE so adding restrictions will be pointless as people can always remove restrictions. Just because something is open source, doesn't mean that the...
> **WildCard65** > Stop saying AMX, AMX is not AMXX and AMXX is licensed under the GPL meaning that alliedmodders >CAN NOT sue people for customizing AMXX or do anything...