
Results 18 comments of shoegazerstella

If your aim is to fine-tune the network to sound like another person's voice, I recommend watching [this video]( where the guy explains how he created his own speech data...

Hi all, is there any update on this? I tried the solution proposed above but the error 500 still persists. thanks!

Hi all, I am having this issue in a docker container when trying to load the model. First thing I did was: ``` pip3 install --upgrade numba ``` but doesn't...

Try this: [](

Thanks a lot for all this support! Just a question on how much data is needed both for fine-tuning and training from scratch. Roughly: How many new songs should there...

Hi @auspicious3000 I am computing the spectrogram like this: ``` def butter_highpass(cutoff, fs, order=5): nyq = 0.5 * fs normal_cutoff = cutoff / nyq b, a = signal.butter(order, normal_cutoff, btype='high',...

First graph code showing the labels. We just set the position of the legend and its orientation. ``` return dcc.Graph( id=id, figure={ 'data': data, 'layout': go.Layout( xaxis = {'title': xaxislabel},...

I have the same issue related to the timeout. Any update on how to solve this? Is there some parameter to add to the neptune-export command or the json file?...

Hi @jonrau1 , how did you solve this?

I am having the same issue on jupyterlab 3.0. ``` jupyterlab @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/jupyterlab_1616195786210/work jupyterlab-drawio==0.8.0 jupyterlab-git==0.30.1 jupyterlab-nvdashboard==0.6.0 jupyterlab-pygments @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/jupyterlab_pygments_1601375948261/work jupyterlab-server @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/jupyterlab_server_1617134349851/work jupyterlab-system-monitor==0.8.0 jupyterlab-topbar==0.6.1 jupyterlab-widgets @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/jupyterlab_widgets_1609173350931/work ``` Here's what...