Simon Höferlin
Simon Höferlin
Sure! **Build log** [16:55:01.351] Running build in Cleveland, USA (East) – cle1 [16:55:01.396] Cloning (Branch: main, Commit: 5090bad) [16:55:01.401] Skipping build cache, deployment was triggered without cache. [16:55:05.812] Cloning...
Unfortunately the same result: Build Failed Command "`cd ../.. && pnpm build:builder && pnpm db:migrate`" exited with 1 [17:26:13.914] Running build in Cleveland, USA (East) – cle1 [17:26:13.969] Cloning
@baptisteArno, you are absolutely right. 💯 That caused it. I don't know why I did not copy the full connection string. Thank you a lot! 🚀
I like your proposal!