Shoaib Hassan
Shoaib Hassan
I think you should Use login and Signup methods when you are logging in your app and save QB user ID into device. next time when you launch app and...
Well i have implemented that logic mentioned above into my app and it is working good for audio video calls in iOS and android as well.
Here is my code in app Delegate ``` func pushRegistry(_ registry: PKPushRegistry, didReceiveIncomingPushWith payload: PKPushPayload, for type: PKPushType, completion: @escaping () -> Void) { let payloadDict = payload.dictionaryPayload as? Dictionary...
This is not app login, this is connecting to chat server only, login and signup are different methods of SDK. You must connect to server to perform any query to...
@FarhanBykea can this be done by creating a text field with code and put it above this control, Set its delegate, and assign text to this control got from delegate.
Thank you @plutoless for your feedback. can you please confirm we cant use our own Turn Stun server with Agora?
Thanks for reply @plutoless , can you please suggest me alternate so that we can switch and move forward. Thank you.
Actually we've integrated sdk in iOS, android and web and wanted to use our own Turn and stun server but agora said we need to purchase enterprise edition account for...
**our current business model:** - patient book appointment using andoird / ios apps - doctor create audio / video call using agora signaling technology - due to agora signaling sunet...