Simon Ho
Simon Ho
Refactor the sternberg code to allow users to manually set the number of trials per block. Currently it is hard coded, and not even passed into the class constructor
readme should be updated for MRT and ravens task images to demonstrate the correct method to extract partial images from existing image sources (e.g. purchased version of ravens)
Size and position of main battery window does not save to `settings.ini` after a close event
Data saving should be moved to the individual task modules, rather than all being done in the main script. This would make it easier to keep tasks modular Related to...
Change the saved data format to something non-proprietary, possibly CSV?
make the tasks more modular so adding new tasks is easier and doesn't require code changes/additions in multiple places. Some sort of layer system would be nice for easy task...
Add a new Settings option for defining a "Task quit" keyboard shortcut. All tasks can then reference this shortcut when quit functionality is needed