
Results 110 comments of Shmerl

I tried printing to PDF in Firefox 70.0b4 - the result is not readable.

arc-dark became messed up as well after the recent update.

I like arc-dark more than default dark Slack themes. However Slack now also has some manual customization for colors, so I might try that.

Your user name (left top) > Preferences > Themes It even has custom theme config there.

Also, input box in individual threads has a different background color from the input box in the regular channels chat.

I'm using arc dark: Let me make an image.

Regular thread (on the right side): ![threads1]( All threads view: different dark tone (feels more brown) as you can see: ![threads2]( Another issue: regular input field has different style: ![input2](

I think it would depend on whether Mesa developers even plan to ever implementing some of those. From what I understood, it has to be in features.txt to be displayed....

Yeah, for that you need some standard way of getting that list I suppose. May be you can propose to Khronos to host some txt list as well (or whatever...

Does this still apply? For example that scope page says that X11 forwarding isn't supported, but it actually already works. But I tired doing agent forwarding (using `ssh -A`) like...