I'll work on this. Can you please assign this issue to me
I run this project using "scout aws --profile basc -f" then it shows scout is not installed then I install scout via command provided by ubuntu. then it shows this...
Hi @chris-codaio , I removed the word 'secret' from ScoutSuite/ScoutSuite/providers/aws/resources/ec2/ . And i create secret manager and run the following command 'aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id $SECRET_ID --region $AWS_REGION | jq...
Hi @chris-codaio can you please attach the file where I can see the problem with secret manager . Because , I add ` aws secretsmanager` in the user-data . But...
Hi @x4v13r64 , @chris-codaio I created user data that contain aws secret manager . when i run the project without removing the word 'secret', and then I observe HTML report....
Can you please assign this issue to me ? I can solve this