Shigenobu Nishikawa

Results 6 issues of Shigenobu Nishikawa

rash gem have out-of-dependency problems since Hashie had own Rash, I released rash-alt gem. This is just resolving rash's problems, I didn't change excpept that problems. rash_alt accepted faraday_middleware, instead...

Hashie now have own Hashie::Rash. So, I think rash have to rename other name. Or, we can not use rash with future version Hashie... But Faraday Middleware use Rash,...

I'm using several machine daily, I wanna export "Specified credential fields" for avoiding repeat. Otherwise, it's also good sync through google accounts or cloud storage or something.

I use MS Edge ver. Version 109.0.1518.78. When I try to use the button to authenticate with google, no popup appears. I have run into similar problems with other extensions,...

help wanted

I would like to add download link to video posts, not only images. Because I want to rename videos automatically under same rules as images.

現状は ``` デフォルトダウンロードフォルダ/ ├ クリエイター名/ │ └ 記事タイトル/ │ └ コンテンツタイトル/ │ └ 各画像 └ ... ``` のルールに沿ってファイルが保存されますが、ポスト作成日付(YYYYMMDD)やこれらのクリエイター名や記事タイトルなどの情報を用い、各画像、ビデオなどのファイル名をテンプレートにより変更できる機能が欲しいです。 `${postDate} ${postTitle} ${contentTitle} ${連番}` みたいなことができるのを理想的な形として想像しています。