Yes, you should be able to find the pre-built packages here: Did this works for you? @wanhaipeng
Hello @LinGeLin , Thanks for your question. Random processing is not a feature available for operators in the Alpha. We are looking into supporting this feature in a future release....
@Doctor-L-end - thanks for contacting us with your feedback. Based on your issue submitted, I believe this translates to : " I personally feel that the packaging degree of CV-CUDA...
@zhang0557kui - thanks for your interest in CV-CUDA. We are considering adding native Windows OS support in a future release. Could you provide more information on the specific OS and...
@dlesage-nvidia @pmikolajczyk
Hello @EveningLin - just to get more clarification on your question, could you please provide more details on what you mean by 'make it not so efficient when dealing with...
Hello @kealthaswz - thanks for your feedback. We will look into adding this support for Rotate op in a future release. Could you please share some details on the use...
@tp-nan - We will look into adding a single operators that does Crop-Resize-Normalize. Thanks for your feedback/request. Regarding the point on multiple cropped rectangles, do you think an operation like...