Results 32 comments of Dai Jie

@johnagan HALLO? ANY BODY? please merge #8 ![image](

我也在找歌词,群晖上支持专辑播放,就差个 lrc 歌词

> 整理出完整的歌词比较耗精力,如有收集欢迎pr 我昨天有搜集一些,等到完整度更高的时候发个 pr


> Thanks for your suggestion, we will carefully evaluate this feature. If there is no problem, it will be supported. `docker-compose.yml` is a good example, please consider.

> Thanks for your suggestion, we will carefully evaluate this feature. If there is no problem, it will be supported. Our team will add template.yml to git respo, it's not...

rater.js on iOS can't emmit "change" event.

Change "click" to "click touchstart" works but ```javascript $(".rating").on("change", function(ev, data){ console.log(data.from,; }); ``` shows ``` 0 NaN NaN 5 ```

> 可能需要更详细一些的说明。小程序官方不支持使用npm吧,那么是在什么场景下使用npm呢?是否要构建,构建工具又是什么,模块化规范应该用什么? 小程序官方现在支持 npm 了,引入会比较方便,参见