consider of pm2 or simply run with `nohup npm run start &`
> 在网易云上买了正版的人,现在听不了了,跟谁说理去。。。。。 后面网易云上付费的专辑都可以在自己的唱片里点进去听的。除了一头偶像那张应该不行。
reproduce the same error, even i exclude the `js` and `css` files, the python will still crashed. #245
another tips for vundle users: care your bundle_groups and the scope where your `Plug 'leafgarland/typescript-vim'` declared.
Great, buddy! This is China 2015 biggest Academic scandals until now!!!
checkout native `readline`'s new method: [asynciterator](
2333333 @AMAID
> So. For people having this issue. For me the fix was that I had setup another python version as default using `update-alternatives`. Make sure you use the correct python...
@MeTaNoV Thanks a lot, after read your feedback, i went to check those arguments' type, but they are `string` indeed...