A bit different from the normal task 😄 We've had humble beginnings, but now we want Lumiere to grow! Here are some immediate steps I've thought of to make this...
The best people are vital to a happy and productive team. I am extremely grateful to lead an excellent team already. Let's maintain that quality and surround Lumiere with epicness!...
## Motivation - `/press` is a _really, really_ important page. Eventually it will be our home page! - Infinite scroll + loading skeletons (accomplishable through SWR or react-query), will be...
## Motivation - Switch theme in editor, add extensions such as line wrap, add linting - all good features for the best possible editor! - Codemirror makes another end goal...
- [ ] Markdown linting - [ ] Real-time collaborative editing - [ ] Theming customization using CSS vars - [ ] Custom domains - free transfer to your own...