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Nyartix Linux Rice

Nyartix Rice


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enter image description here


2021-12-11-121950_1366x768_scrot 500 Upvotes, ありがとうございます




  • Font Used : Iosevka Custom
  • GTK Theme : Modified version of Lumiere From addy-dclxvi . I'll call it frostneko
  • Icons : Custom Version of papirus (nya)
  • OS : Artix Linux
  • WM : i3-gaps, bspwm,herbstluftwm
  • Terminal : Kitty
  • Shell : zsh
  • Bar : Polybar
  • Lockscreen: betterlockscreen

Version History

  • A-1.0.3
    New polybar for BSPWM (floating)
    New Neofetch Configuration
    Added screenshot keybindings on sxhkdrc
    Arrow .p10k.zsh theme
  • A-1.0.2
    Added BSPWM Support
  • A-1.0.1
    New feature: "window move" mode and gap resize mode
  • A-1.0
    Initial release

To do

  • ~~add bspwm, herbstluftwm support~~
  • ~~bspwm specific polybar~~
  • urxvt & .Xresources support


Some of this packages might not be available on your distro's repository, please refer to your distro package manager. For Arch-based users, you may use AUR for those packages.

~~tip : rofi works best on version 1.6.1. if you are using version 1.7.0, it only showing the outline of the selected apps. ~~
~~ ~~yes, this is the bug but since i don't know how to configure rofi properly, i can't really fix that rn. ~~

Update : rofi compatibillity with 1.7.0 is now added. now you can use rofi 1.7.0
for 1.6.1, there is a fallback folder for rofi 1.6.1

You don't need to install both i3 and bspwm. you are only required to install one of them


Important : Make sure to backup your existing configuration files before installing to avoid loss

  • Install the dependencies
  • Clone this repository
  • Install Starship Prompt
  • Install powerlevel10k
  • copy powerlevel10k.zsh-theme to your powerlevel10k folder
  • copy .p10k.zsh to your home directory.
  • install the required fonts by copying .fonts directory to your home directory

Note : for Source han and ttf-font-awesome, install it from your repository
Arch : sudo pacman -S adobe-source-han-sans-jp-fonts ttf-font-awesome

  • copy all .config files to your .config directory
  • copy all .themes, .icons folders to your home directory
  • install oh-my zsh then manually then move .zshrc into your home directory
  • install pywal and move .cache/wal into your .cache directory
  • install vim-plug
  • copy vimrc into .vim directory
  • manually install the plug by opening vimrc using vim then instal the plugin using :PlugInstall
  • Set the wallpaper using nitrogen
  • Set Lockscreen Wallpaper using this command

betterlockscreen -u /path/to/wallpaper.png

To apply The GTK Theme and icons, you can use LXappearance

Basic Keybinding

super key is the windows key
read more here


Super + Return Terminal
Super + Shift + Q close
Alt + F4 Close
Super + D rofi
Super + 0-9 go to workspace x
Super + Shift + 0-9 move window to workspace x
Super + R resize mode (use arrows to resize or using wasd)
Super + Shift + G Toggle gap resizing mode
Super + Shift + M Toggle move mode
Super + Left Click move window with drag
Super + Right Click resize window with drag
Super + W Toggle tabbing layout
Super + E Toggle tiling layout
Super + S Toggle stacking layout
Super + Shift + Space Toggle Floating mode
Super + F Toggle Fullscreen
Super + Shift + E Powermenu (requires clearine)
Super + Shift + R restart wm
Super + Escape lockscreen

Super + F1 Enable Polybar
Super + F2 Thunar
Super + F3 chromium
Super + F4 cmus
Super + F5 vim
Super + F12 Disable Polybar
Alt + F1 gotop
Alt + F2 connmann-gtk


Super + Return Terminal
Super + w close
Super + space rofi
Super + 0-9 go to workspace x
Super + Shift + 0-9 move window to workspace x
Super + Alt + H, J, K ,L Increase window size
Super + Alt + Shift + H, J, K ,L Decrease window size
Super + S Toggle Floating mode
Super + T Toggle Tiling Mode
Super + F Toggle Fullscreen
Super + Alt + Q Powermenu (requires clearine)
Super + Alt + R restart wm
Super + Escape restart keybinding
Super + X lockscreen

Super + F1 Enable Polybar
Super + F2 Thunar
Super + F3 chromium
Super + F4 cmus
Super + F5 vim
Super + F12 Disable Polybar
Alt + F1 gotop
Alt + F2 connmann-gtk

Workspace 0 is assigned as workspace 10


I opened Thunar but it appears to be black theme

Delete the gtk-dark.css on the theme folder, on gtk3.0


  • If you are installing this on systemd , don't forget to change the loginctl command to systemctl on clearine.conf and polybar config
  • Polybar is disabled by default. to enable it run "launchbar" if you are on zsh shell. or uncomment the launch.sh on i3/config. this only affect i3 users. user that using bspwm as their default didn't need to configure this as the polybar is executed during startup


~~Under MIT License. See ./LICENSE for details.~~
Starting on November, 8th 2021. nyartix-rice is Re-Licensed under GPL 3.0. Please Update your license accordingly.