Hi @andresoviedo I'm facing this same issue. I tried loading a sample obj and mtl file placed in the same folder but when the object loaded it had no material...
Hi @andresoviedo I was debugging the code and found a comment that states : _"// check if texture is ok (Because we only support 1 texture currently)"_ Can you please...
Hi I'm also in requirement of this feature ASAP. I'm trying to load animated 3d objects at runtime. But animation is only supported in .obj which in turn can't be...
Hi guys, I'm also in need of a similar functionality. But in my case I want to **scale** a bone of the skeleton. is there a way to do so?...
> The approach is the same I guess: use the matrix I'm sorry but to be honest I have no idea about what matrix you are talking about here. I'm...
Thanks @alexey-pelykh. I think I found the matrix that needs to be changed in order to scale the bone. But I'm getting an BufferOverflowException at a later stage which I'm...
> I don't see saving, setting, and restoring buffer position in your code at all > > ``` > modelSkeletonRig.materialBoneTransformsBuffer.position(materialBoneIndex shl 4) > ``` I tried setting the position as...
I'm also facing this issue. Can anyone please help??