
Results 16 issues of sherrardb

`GET` for a non-existent customer produces: ``` { "error": { "code": "resource_missing", "doc_url": "", "message": "No such customer: cus_GtHh3VC7Hhwgkc", "param": "id", "type": "invalid_request_error" } } ``` but the stringified...

the [API docs]( indicate `created` as a hashref, so we should be using `HashRef[Int] :$created?,`

similar to the test currently local.t ``` my $false = bless( do{\(my $o = 0)}, 'JSON::PP::Boolean' ); my $DATA = { 'client_ip' => '', 'object' => 'token', 'type' => 'card',...


in some methods we `_post()` passed arguments directly: but in doing so, we are unable to take advantage of any magic that happens during objectification: and therefore have...


``` ~$ perl -Mstrict -Mwarnings -mNet::Stripe -e 'my $stripe = Net::Stripe->new(api_key => $ENV{STRIPE_API_KEY}); my $source = $stripe->create_source( type=> "card", token=> "tok_visa", metadata => { somecardmetadata => "testing, testing, 1-2-3", nested=>...

it is passed but not encoded, AFAICT and it looks like `date` may have been changed to [`due_date`](

per an IRC chat with stripe engineers: > That's an old endpoint that we don't recommend anymore. Instead you'd retrieve the Customer directly and expand the list of sources on...

future enhancement

my current reading of the [docs]( and the response from `post_charge()` is that it is more robust to interrogate the `payment_method_details` than any individual `card` or `source` returned. just wanted...

future enhancement

i have found these to be very useful during development. ``` $Carp::Verbose = 1; $Type::Tiny::DD = 999_999; ``` and can mean the difference between ``` Unknown named parameter: card at...

in perusing some of the other SDKs, specifically looking for how they test various `Source` types, i discovered various test tokens, like `src_123`, which don't seem to work against the...

future enhancement