@jswhit The size does not change when I change the number of MPI tasks. Regardless to how many MPI tasks I use, the file size is either 1.2 GB for...
Thank you @jswhit for your response and your help. Besides setting the size of the dimension to `None`, are there any other changes that I need to make? I have...
Thank you @jswhit . I do have that line commented out and my code only includes the one write statement after the `v.set_collective(True)` command ``` nc = Dataset('parallel_test_'+str(size)+'.nc', 'w', parallel=True,...
Thanks @jswhit I had been using more recent versions of hdf5 and netcdf4-python, but a lower version of numpy. I've created an environment with the same versions that you're using,...
This is great news and thanks, @ekluzek for sharing this and for your support.
From my understanding, EarthWorks is more interested in supporting the global uniform grids (at 120, 60, 30, 15, 7, and 3.75 km) vs. refined grids. This may change in the...
Would it be possible to add some of these configurations into the CAM and/or the CESM test suites? Specifically it would be helpful to have tests for ... compsets: FHS94,...