Steven Hepting

Results 5 issues of Steven Hepting

This tracking ticket can state the current issues blocking builds on M1 (Apple Silicon) machines. Currently, when running on an M1 machine we will get output like this: ``` ╰─...

### Describe the bug I can follow the instructions for setting up the Bugsnag SDK, but when running inside a Swift command-line app the crashes never make it to Bugsnag....

feature request

I'm following the directions in the README, but when I get to `swift build` I see a number of import errors: ``` ╰─ swift build Building for debugging... /Users/stevenhepting/workspace/indexstore-db/lib/Support/PatternMatching.cpp:13:10: fatal...

With the new dependency on `filigree`, `gem` will now choke trying to install on Ruby versions lower than 2.4.0: ``` steven@macbook:~/workspace/apps/ios $ gem install rltk Fetching: ffi-1.9.25.gem (100%) Building native...

I'm not able to see legitimate linter errors. Just internal `linter-shellcheck` errors.
