Steven Shum

Results 17 issues of Steven Shum

从 转过来,发现 doocs 的这个项目真心不错,作者非常 nice~ 如果能参考 MD2All 多提供几个可以选择的主题模板(目前 md 的自定义样式用起来感觉有一点问题),就非常完美了。个人对前端只是略懂皮毛,没法 PR,把 MD2All 源码贴上,希望能对作者有所启发~


I have tried to install docker-galaxy-stable, however, is there a problem that doesn't work correctly, it seems docker galaxy cannot start normally. The following is the log information at startup:...

I installed my docker galaxy follow the instructions, and made some changes in the galaxy container. ``` # run docker galaxy, and it works! $ docker run -d -p...

I running d3heatmap_0.6.1.2 in Anaconda3 with R-3.4.3,It seems someting wrong: ``` > install.packages("d3heatmap") > library(d3heatmap) > d3heatmap(mtcars, scale = "column", colors = "Spectral") > Couldn't get a file descriptor referring...

If I got several long usernames(e.g. bioinfo-01, bioinfo-02, bioinfo-03, ...), I cannot recognize which user is using the current process, so is there any way to use uid replace username?...

``` >>> repo_api = SimplePyYuQueAPI(token=token, app_name="py_yuque1").Repo() >>> repo_api.get_users_repos(type="all",login=username) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "/data/yuque/simple_pyyuque/", line 427, in get_users_repos params = {"type": type.value, AttributeError: 'str'...

语雀自定义空间的首页,貌似没办法通过 API 获取得到首页文档的信息?

### Version 1.10.1 ### Reproduction link []( ### Steps to reproduce Request failed with status code 400 ### What is expected? 可以正常登录 Gitee ### What is actually happening? 无法正常登录

昨天刚好看到一个类似的项目 ,两个项目如果能把功能都合并一下就更好了。