@KAIKAIZHANG tensorflow1.12是可以的 请具体贴一下报错的信息~
@KAIKAIZHANG 这个问题是由于你的linux系统没有网络连接导致的哈~ 建议自己单独装一下`tensorflow`或者`tensorflow-gpu` 然后使用命令`pip install xxx.whl --no-deps`安装
@linan2 我的代码epoch是1 你设置成了10,当然得不到啦!
@newtiopon Hi,I think you can check if it is overfitted when training 2 or more epochs
`item_gender` means which gender(male or female) will prefer this item more.`2+1`,2 is for male and female,1 is for missing value
Sorry that the multiclass is not currently supported, the main reason is that some models naturally do not support multiclass classification(such as FM-based models).We need to modify the model according...
thanks we will check it soon~
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