Wei Shen
Wei Shen
oh, @bsipos have already created a`cat`, can we rename it to `watch`? like `seqkit watch`?
It's the first time I know `12908`. GTDB may have no such "unclassified sequences".
Using persistent TaxIds could be a good idea to track the changes across different versions of GTDB. I think it is feasible because GTDB uses the NCBI assembly accession as...
Yes, NCBI taxonomy uses consecutive numbers too. I guess they have a mapping table to maintain these relationships.
I wrote email to @op at April and he said he will look into this soon. You can use my fork right now.
but the author is too busy to merge it.
Sorry, I did not make it clear, the error reported above is from running `sourmash sketch`, not `index`. The environmental variables work, but it's kind of tricky for ordinary users....
I see, thank you all! Currently, I'll limit the k-mer size below 64 for my projects.
I wrote one https://github.com/shenwei356/pand It works, and the performance is OK.
Hi @bingmann , how about canceling length limit?