Wei Shen
Wei Shen
Thanks for reporting this. It's a bug introduced in v2.8.0, that occurred when more than 2 pairs of primers were given. Fixed now. ``` $ seqkit amplicon -p arr.txt seq.fasta...
Gosh, seem like I uploaded the wrong binaries. Sorry for this! [seqkit_linux_amd64.tar.gz](https://github.com/shenwei356/seqkit/files/15298194/seqkit_linux_amd64.tar.gz)
Hi Divon, I'm not familiar with gzip format actually, but it looks simple at first glance. First, I'd like to continue using pgzip, cause it's fast. But you said gzip...
> have recently encountered a FASTQ file that I think was generated by seqkit - it appears to be a concatenation of gzip blocks, each containing, when uncompressed, 1 MB...
Yes. For plain text FASTA input, the order of output records is random. Try compressing the `merged-gnm.fa` file and use `merged-gnm.fa.gz` as the input.
> Can we have that info on the manual? Added. ``` Attention: 1. When extracting with BED/GTF from plain text FASTA files, the order of output sequences are random. To...
Supported now. Added a flag `--ignore-case`. ``` $ seqkit split -i --id-regexp "hRSV/(\w)/.+" test.fasta -d [INFO] split by ID. idRegexp: hRSV/(\w)/.+ [INFO] read sequences ... [INFO] read 4 sequences [INFO]...
> But I think the bug still exists. Seqkit sends a message that 4 files are created Where's it?
I just read this issue once again. > [seqkit split with regexp does not respect letter case overwriting file output](https://github.com/shenwei356/seqkit/issues/462#top) > Note there are only 2 files when there should...
> MacOS is not a case sensitive file system by default. So you can't have two files named File.txt and file.txt. You can choose to configure the OS as case...