I am calling speechactionactivity() from a button click, need to record this audio and i need to play this recorder audio in some other activity. I have gone through the...
I am using only this speech recognition. I am having a button in first page ,when clicking that ,goes to K6nele/app/src/main/java/ee/ioc/phon/android/speak/activity/ ,means I dont want google speech recognition . In...
In ExtrasDemo , U are putting extras using speech intents from createrevognize intent function . In my case I don’t want Google Speech . So I directly use Intenting to...
I will give you a link : please download
If it is expired please use this : In that I am using a fragment Home Fragment , on button click for recording , rather than for all Speech...
Will u please check it : 2019-04-04 10:33:08.027 18442-18442/ E/details audio: content:// 2019-04-04 10:33:08.041 18442-18442/ E/AudioFeatures: Application cannot support or Zenmode close 2019-04-04 10:33:08.068 18442-18442/ E/duration: 0 In my testing...
In Your Extras Demo , while playing audio using uri from Details Activity , Getting audio but its not playing any audio there also . while toasting duration there ,...
ZenMode Issue I will check, Iam getting this error in samsung gt 19300 Android 4.3.3 !8 device 04-15 12:04:14.125 6737-6737/ I/k6nele: onPartialResults: state = RECORDING 04-15 12:04:14.205 6737-6737/ I/k6nele: onPartialResults:...
this issue happens in official konele documetation also
just installed your app from playstore , same issue there