Results 14 comments of shellster Here's the pull mentioned by my other account. Probably not suitable for merging as-is, but at least it will give people an idea on what needs to be fixed...

@rofl0r Not sure what @br0xpl use case is, but this feature would be very useful for me. I do a lot of pentesting/redteam work. I often have multiple pivot points...

I also ran into this. Was able to quickly patch it for my uses, will try to submit a PR when I get a chance. The quick workaround is to...

@spbnick When you get a chance, can you please review my PR and merge if there are no issues? My testing indicates that this fixes issues, and I don't foresee...

I am also experiencing this issue. I had to manually download and include `WiFiManager.h` and `strings_en.h` from master in my project before I could get it to compile.

Yeah. I started with just: `#include ` (besides Arduino.h) and adding this line in my platformio.ini: `lib_deps = tzapu/WiFiManager@^0.16.0`. When that didn't work, I went and tried to manually install...

My problem turned out to be a typo: `#include #Should be: ` Not sure where the typo came from, if I just fat fingered it or if it was incorrectly...

Thank you. I'll review shortly, and merge.

Looks good. Thanks so much for the addition. I'm gonna pull this and test it to verify. Then merge the changes separately so I can bump the versioning and give...

@kins-dev I'm looking at your changes, and I see you have committed a binary for the SSH.NET library. I'm leery of committing an unknown binary lib because of the potential...