Hey, I'm not able to find any documentation about the jexus module in python, hence I'm not able to run this code because I don't have it installed. Can you...
Sure, I included that file, thanks! :) Also, now I'm getting the following error in the load_embedding() function of `No such file or directory: WordEmb/idx2word.npy` I'm guessing there had...
Okay, and is this the vocabulary for X_data or Y_data or both?
So if I understand correctly, there are 2 npy files. 1. `WordEmb/word2vec_weights.npy` : This is a npy array of shape (vocab_size, embedding_dim), what you just mentioned above. 2. `WordEmb/idx2word.npy` :...
Oh okay, makes sense! Also, do you have any results/graphs of the performance of this Cycle GAN on any sort of text dataset (Chinese works too)? Cycle GAN is said...
Hey @voidism thanks a lot! :)