grails-console copied to clipboard
New lines output
Hi there,
As a 1.3 user, I noticed that new lines are not correctly handled anymore in newer versions. I tested with 1.4.4 and later. If the output looks ok in the console, copy/paste ignores new lines and the result is not usable.
To reproduce it, you can just run something like: println "line1" println "line2"
And once you copy/paste the result into another application, you get: line1line2
Thank you for your support. Stephane.
Do you still see this with the latest (v1.5.2)? If so, which app are you pasting to?
Yes, also with the latest version. In my case this is both on Windows and Linux using: (copy) recent/latest versions of mainstream web browsers (paste) usual desktop apps: MSOffice/LibreOffice/Eclipse/Notepad++/Emacs/Konsole/Thunderbird... or the previous browser itself.
No exception to the failure so far. The newline is apparently replaced by a whitespace.
Using version 1.4 and later including 1.5.2:
In the console:
println "1234"
println "5678"
Pasting the result into an application, you get:
1234 5678
Dump of the resulting file:
$ od -t x1 /tmp/1
0000000 31 32 33 34
20 35 36 37 38 0a
Using version 1.3...
Pasting the result into an application, you get:
Dump of the resulting file:
$ od -t x1 /tmp/2
0000000 31 32 33 34 0a 35 36 37 38 0a
I was able to reproduce it, but only in firefox. Safari, IE and chrome all work correctly for me. Possibly this bug?
Yes maybe but isn't that a regression ? Using the same browser, it used to work, for example, with 1.3.
Yeah, I'll take a look at the change when I get a sec.