Shea Parkes
Shea Parkes
If someone has a moment, would it be possible to provide the full name of the paper referenced above? ("the CSDA 2011 paper" that covers "adding prediction intervals to hts")
My apologies, I believe this was in reference to the original paper that hts is based on. For future readers, here is a link to that paper: I had...
Although not **officially** part of Vim, I believe this particular plugin has to be just about the most commonly installed plugin out there: Having some way to replicate that...
Although I can obviously go read the `pip` docs, it's much more convenient to see an example pre-built for GemFury. It's a shame I had to find that example in...
I did find a stupid work around that seems to work for those using services like GemFury/Nexus that are still serving some packages with MD5 hashes only: You can't just...
> @shea-parkes Michael from @gemfury here. We support both SHA256 and MD5 checksums. Newer accounts default to SHA256, and we have recently added a switch to migrate older accounts. If...
I would happily have my application break and have to remove my stupid hacks to `mydashapp.logger` if y'all would get rid of these handlers. As others have said, libraries shouldn't...
I would also enjoy it if you were to modify the Let's Chat Dockerfile to make this easier to install this plugin.
Thank you for the prompt response. I swear I read that Dockerfile thoroughly, but I totally missed the LDAP install line. Thank you very much for the prompt response! (And...