Victor Krapivensky
Victor Krapivensky
@AKDev21 It has zero stars :)
You could also try your luck updating of
Yes, that would be a nice example for out-of-tree plugin. Sorry if I missed something, but how is that different from, well, querying redis directly (using, say, [this library]( Or...
OK, so do you have a command to get the prefix? Are there any other configuration variables that need to be read?
Okay, so we can just parse the config file(s) using [lua-toml](, and then query redis using [redis-lua]( You can implement this yourself if you want, or wait until I do...
Yeah, that would be nice.
> How does this library handle lua dependencies on modules? luastatus is no library; rather, it is a platform. > Is it up to the user to handle that? It’s...
> As a side-note, using luastatus right now on my work laptop, it integrates nicely with i3! Hearing such things is the ultimate reason to do open-source development :)
> Could somebody who possesses more lua-fu than me please have a look at this code and confirm whether or not it is functionally equivalent to the original source, It...
Currently, I can't think of an implementation other than pinging every N seconds.