Kit Rodolfa

Results 21 issues of Kit Rodolfa

Several specific todo items here: - [ ] Files in `curriculum/ml/` generally seem to be empty (and `` is missing) - [ ] Consolidate `curriculum/ml/` and `curriculum/3_modeling_and_machine_learning` - [ ]...

It seems like the `requirements.txt` file here should contain just those requirements required to compile and serve the documentation, but there are many packages like `sklearn`, `spacy`, `psycopg2-binary` that seem...

Note that the top-level and sources/ have overlapping but different content (only the latter is actually in the served hitchhikers guide page). If we want these to overlap, can...

Including the groups key in the feature config was hitting a bug, so we should probably add a unit test to ensure this still works when only specifying `entity_id` (but...

Not sure how big of a lift it would be, but it sounds like there is better COPY support as well as better support for connection pooling with `psycopg3` over...


Looks like it will need a `pip install` of triage in addition to checking out the repo to build the API docs: ``` ERROR - mkdocstrings: Importing 'triage.component.audition.__init__' failed, possible...


This may involve some considerable refactoring, especially of unit tests, but by way of documentation, here are a couple of notes to consider from discussion with @jtwalsh0 and @ecsalomon on...


The additional estimators provided by catwalk are mentioned in the example experiment config, but should also be described in the documentation as well.


See discussion associated with #835 We switched to `yaml.load` when upgrading `pyYAML` to 5.4; moving back to `full_load` would provide some security enhancements but require changing how we represent `as_of_time`...


In addition to logging to stdout/stderr when using the triage CLI, we should make it easier to ensure logs get captured to a file as well (although users could do...
