Shawn de Wet
Shawn de Wet
I just bumped into this same problem. How has this not been addresses almost 4 years later?!
Great thanks @ivaylokenov! It works now. Even though my app is pure MVC, and does not use RazorPages, I added the `.AddRazorRuntimeCompilation()` call to my startup so that any View...
Odd, it passes on my system.
I finally realized this when I read the Microsoft documentation on Azure Storage Queues [here](
Have you actually tried such an operation and see what you get?
Seems it's not supported: ``` [Fact] public void Expression_Ternary_Operator() { ExpressionContext expressionContext = new(); expressionContext.Imports.AddType(typeof(Math)); expressionContext.Variables["operation"] = true; //or subtract IGenericExpression eGeneric = expressionContext.CompileGeneric("operation ? 1+3 : 1-3"); var actual...
I've encountered a similar problem after upgrading my application that uses DB Functions (DateDiff, etc.). I'm getting the error about `EF.Functions.DateDiffDay` being ambiguous between `Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServerDbFunctionsExtensions.DateDiffDay` and `Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.MySqlDbFunctionsExtensions.DateDiffDay`. I've tried the...
How is this issue still open almost 6 years later?!