I haven't looked into your implementation of presenting the CDG file along with the MP3. But this presents a way of simultaneously showing an MP4 video stream with accompanying MP3...
@kisak-valve thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately I am still getting the same results and vrcompositor.txt still references the iGPU. I found my dGPU id through vulkaninfo as per below, I...
I have found I can get SteamVR using video memory (monitoring via `radeontop -b 3`) using `DRI_PRIME=1 %command%` in Launch Options. It seems to run smoother, suggesting it is actually...
You are a hero, thank you! Now to see if Gnome has any equivalent environment variable. I'm just finding it a bit janky when I move my head around at...
Hi, can you confirm which desktop environment you're using? I could only get it going on KDE (and it was a bit janky), but I'm usually using GNOME. So I...