Shashi Raj
Shashi Raj
The Online Book Shopping Store to manage, buy, add, remove and sell books. Book name and Quantity selection, auto receipt generated and payment options. Login and logout security for both user and adm...
Online Shopping Cart E-Commerce Website Project in Java, JDBC, Servlets, JSP. Built for selling of goods online and managing the cart items of the user and providing them better facilities like addin...
Whenever a company requires a service / merchandise , a tender is floated. Company maintains an empaneled list of Vendors. An empaneled vendor can only bid for a tender. Every vendor can bid only onc...
This is the website build for searching the Train Schedule , Seat Availability, Train Timings, Fare Enquiry, Trains Between Stations and Booking seats online.
Online Book Store Web Application Using Spring Boot and having REST API Functionalities