Shashank Shekhar
Shashank Shekhar
can i join this @Mrinank-Bhowmick
hey i also want to add some flask and frontend to it . @Mrinank-Bhowmick
yes sure lets work together @Mrinank-Bhowmick @AyushSenDazzler
hey @Mrinank-Bhowmick can u please assign me that?
hey , @Mrinank-Bhowmick can u assign this to me please?
I would like to work on Data Export to PDF/Excel.
@anish2105 At the function defination of add_expense () date = input().split()[0] + "-01" remove +"-01" then it will be stored to correctly
@Mrinank-Bhowmick hey done Export to csv funtion and opened a pull request.
@anish2105 still working on pdf export sooner gonna roll it out .
hey , @Mrinank-Bhowmick done pdf export and opened a pull request