Sharmila Velamur
Sharmila Velamur
> Hi, guys. As I said in a previous comment, we "solved" the issue in a different way. We contacted Ocean Optics and were sent a DLL (written in C#...
> @sharmila-velamur I have to check with the original code by Oliver Lischtschenko: I think it could reach the maximum theoretical throughput; our solution saturates at around 2200 Hz, but...
> Hi @sharmila-velamur and @aarpon > > Hope you all had a good start into 2021. > I can help with implementing the high-speed mode in python-seabreeze, but I lack...
> > Ocean Optics provided me an SDK called Ocean Direct > > Interesting! I assume this is closed source? > > > @sharmila-velamur wrote: have access to the hardware...