Abhishek Sharma

Results 5 issues of Abhishek Sharma

Added the algorithm for [single-headed self-attention](https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2017/file/3f5ee243547dee91fbd053c1c4a845aa-Paper.pdf). Please let me know if anything needs to be changed! **Note**: I haven't made the updating changes to the * `README.md` * carbon image...

Just one tiny change. Changed the pm dot sample_ppc to pm dot sample_posterior_predictive method introduced in newer PyMC3 v3.6+ **Full Disclosure** : I'm very new to Bayesian statistics so it...

Thank you for this repository. I am trying to get a AlphaPose+PoseFlow workflow on videos to run on Google Colab. The AlphaPose part is fine - I'm getting the `alphapose-results.json`....

Since the time when this repository was initially created, Python has declared [EoL of Python 2.7](https://www.anaconda.com/end-of-life-eol-for-python-2-7-is-coming-are-you-ready/). Hence, the small change to the print function. Opencv2 also has modified the `findContours()`...

# Line Plots/Sparklines in Cells ![image](https://github.com/znstrider/plottable/assets/46922789/10671595-d968-4f33-959b-465bbc73cf59) Hi @znstrider, thank you for publishing this awesome packagešŸ”„. This PR proposes to add the functionality to create line charts in cells. ## Summary...