Shari Laster
Shari Laster
@mclenard I really like this proposed solution! Before we move forward on adding this, do you have ideas or resources that could help create a version of your proposed diagram...
Looks like we addressed (2) in #209. Still need to address (1).
I've merged #165. Are there other planned pull requests for this issue?
Thanks, @Libraryan-prog! I've opened #174 with this suggestion for the maintainer team to review.
@bennkael Thanks for catching that! @kevintfrench was able to make a temporary fix in #211. I'd like to leave this issue open for anyone to seek out and suggest alternatives,...
I agree with @sstevens2. For some groups of maintainers, having a person who is responsible for keeping things moving forward is more effective and makes for a better experience for...
@HaoZeke Speaking only from my experience here... When I agreed to be a lead maintainer, initially my understanding was that the purpose was simply to convene the maintainers as a...