Bart De Roy
Bart De Roy
Vim's setting `scrolloff` specifies the _minimal number of screen lines to keep above and below the cursor_ It would be nice to have such a setting for Newsbeuter in either... Could we add a `lang` option for calendars of `type = birthdays`, so that a localized string is used?
alsamixer has a `-g --no-color` option that I'd like pacmixer to have.
Prabir Shrestha's [asyncomplete.vim]( is compatible with vim8 and neovim. It would be nice to have a lexical/dictionary source for it. It makes use of vim8's timer feature. I know I...
hi, the contributor's docs told be to open an issue here. I'm preparing a pull request for dutch (language code [nl]( At the moment, this will only include the website's...
I'm aware that this isn't a Q&A site, sorry! But please consider [this zsh function]( ```sh xless() { { exec {stdin}&2 exec urxvt -e sh -c "less ${(j: :)${(qq)@}} /dev/fd/$stderr"...
hello, I haven't tested this utility thoroughly, but I can imagine that there is a demand for inverted colors on an application-instance basis. For instance, inverting colors on a specific...
given the line `Documentation=man:systemd.special(7)` ... and `au Filetype systemd setl iskeyword+=.` in my configs, I'm able to lookup a `:!man systemd.special` via the normal command **K** I thought maybe you'd...